Monday, December 17, 2012

Ginger Day 8 - an amazing shrinkage of the "lump"

I checked Ginger's "lump" this morning and I was totally amazed. It had shrunk to 1/3 of its size in just 24 hours. My guess is, the one week's antibiotic jabs and the follow-up of oral antibiotics are working. Hopefully, the lump will disappear soon.

 Good morning, Ginger!

Notice the extra platform on top? We borrowed that from Pole's condo and Ginger loves it. He was sleeping on the upper platform all night.

The wound is healing well and the lump is 1/3 of yesterday's size. It's amazing how fast it heals.

 The paw wound is healed as well.

 Today's breakfast is Natural Balance with raw meat, liver, gizzard, wheatgrass and Vetri DMG.

Next, I plonked in the Clavomox pill. Still as easy as pie. Good boy, Ginger!

 Someone had sprayed on Ginger's carrier. We don't know who it is.

 A walk to the garden.

 He was making a racket, so all in all, we had three walks in the morning alone.

 All he wants to do is to come out, sit somewhere and watch the birds.

 A closer look at the birdie!

I was hoping I could release Ginger already, but I have to make him finish his antibiotics, as advised by the vet. If I can be sure he would come back twice a day, it's possible to release him. The poor boy is so bored sitting in the cage all day, despite me taking him out for walks.

Next....Operasi Quack, Plan B.


CW Lee said...

Dear Dr. Chan,
I think Ginger will not leave your home even after you had released him eventually. He seem to have adjusted well with all your love and care.
Since he is so undemanding and good nature, why not adopt him too just like you did for Bosco. At least he can be protected from Mr Quack's attack.

chankahyein said...

Hi Ms Lee, Bosco was not adopted; he was also a community cat. My 6 titan-alphas (with the exception of Tiger) will not accept another cat into their place and Ginger will be worse off in Bunny's Place as Cow & Bunny are very territorial. At least in the open neighbourhood, Ginger can still run away from the Quack. In Bunny's Place, there is no place to run to. There is also family's wishes to consider. The best I can do is to look after all these community cats to the best of my ability. I cannot adopt anymore. Thank you.

katie said...

I see that Ginger has the best of two worlds. He has complete freedom outside and he has good food and TLC from Dr Chan's house. What more can a stray cat ask for?
