Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy World Animal Day!! (and in loving memory of dear Vixey)

Today is World Animal Day, folks!

So, Happy World Animal Day to everyone.

Today also marks the 2nd anniversary of dear little Vixey's passing.

This is my tribute to a gutsy lady with a heart of gold,

My little Piggy Vix

Vixey and brother, Wii, when first rescued from the rubbish heap.

Vixey had a brain trauma 11 days after being rescued. It resulted in her being mentally and physically challenged after that. She had growth deficiencies and became a pygmy cat. The vet thinks she was already born this way. Bobby looked after Vixey. I think Vixey always felt cold (could be hypothyroidism), so her favourite places would be the modem router and electrical plugpoints. It was her choice, and there was nothing we could do about that. She did not want towels or hot water bottles. 

But despite her challenges, Vixey nursed many baby kittens I brought back.
Indy was her favourite.

Indy was given to me in a dying state, with a severe bladder infection, eye infection and ear infection. He survived with antibiotics and loving care. Vixey looked after Indy.

Vixey and Indy. 

Vixey taught Indy to use the bathroom and would take him to his water bowl every day to drink water.

Once Indy was sick and went upstairs to sleep in the shrine room. Vixey, despite her difficulties, trudged upstairs to check on Indy.

Vixey looked after Suki, a most precocious little kitten.

Months before her passing, she developed megacolon which resulted in chronic constipation. I had to give her enemas, and whenever I did, she would jump outside and defecate at the furthest corner of the garden. She knew she would have watery stools. I think she did not want to dirty the house. It was a very trying time for me. Very often, when the enemas did not work, I had to take her to the vet for a proper enemas where a longer tube would be inserted into her colon. It was a very messy job. Sometimes, the vet could only do it after closing time, and I would help him. We three would be covered in faeces after the job was done. But Vixey would have a nice bath before going home!

Despite it all, the vet loved Vixey. He found her so completely adorable. 

Shortly after that, Vixey fell very ill. Her kidneys were failing. 

One morning, she just could not walk straight anymore. Ataxia had set in. I rushed her to the vet. 

Vixey was in hospital for 4 days. 

We brought Indy and Suki to visit her. Vixey was so happy to see Indy.

Vixey "recovered" after 3 days and the vet said she could be discharged on the following Monday and I would just have to learn to administer the subcutaneous dialysis for her daily to help support her kidney functions.

But she didn't make it through the weekend. 

Vixey passed away on that Sunday.

It was World Animal Day, 4th October 2009.

My last photograph with Vixey, taken at the hospital on the Saturday, a day before she passed away.

I brought Vixey home.

Everyone came to say goodbye. 
Everyone except Indy.

Indy ran away when he saw Vixey's body. He was very upset.

But Indy came back, just before we departed for the crematorium.

He finally said goodbye to his big sister.

Vixey's ashes were kept in my room at her favourite place beside the modem-router for more than a month. I just wasn't ready to let her go yet.

One day, I came back from work, and a most amazing thing happened. I opened my gate, and a beautiful yellow butterfly fluttered past me, dancing happily in the sun. Before I knew it, a golden dragonfly flew past, majestically. I stood there staring at the this beautiful, almost magical phenomenon, and tears streamed down my face. I was looking at paradise. Thank you, Vixey. I know you're in a better place now. 

It was only then that I was finally ready to part with Vixey's ashes. The operator of the crematorium came over and took Vixey's ashes to be committed to the open sea.

That same afternoon, at about the same time the boat went out to sea, there was a heavy thunderstorm and lightning struck our modem-router, destroying it completely. Vixey decided she'd take her modem-router with her. After all, she might need the heat over at Rainbow Bridge.

My black beauty and my heroine, 

My little Piggy Vix,
A gutsy lady with a heart of gold.

Vixey's biography is featured in: 

See you at Rainbow Bridge was written for Vixey.


The Lee County Clowder said...

Play free at The Rainbow Bridge, Vixey. Perhaps someday we will meet.

Anonymous said...

My eyes're full with tears AGAIN..we miss u, Vixey..


Susleen said...

Vixey, will be resting in peace knowing she was much loved on earth.

Ms.fida said...

Vixey got beautiful eyes :)I just lost my aboy last month..miss him :|

Erica said...

Just can't stop my tears from falling down, rest in peace Vixey.
You will always on our mind!