Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pink Doraemon (Blanket No. 32) - up for auction!

It's Doraemon and Dorami again! This cloth is contributed by Agnes Cheong. Thank you very much, Agnes!



Auction Rules:

1. Please check the latest comment for the latest bid before putting in yours.

2. All bids are placed as comments on this blogpost. All comments will be published instantly in chronological order. 

3. The auction ends at 5pm, on Wednesday, 12th March 2014.

Note: Please monitor this post near closing time if you want to ensure that you are the highest bidder.

100% of the winning bid will be channeled to our Fund for the animals.

Do we hear RM150?

The bids as they come in:

12th March:

At 12.34am, Dalahäst bids RM350.

11th March:

At 10.34pm, Wine Dogs bid RM250.

At 1.40pm, Liew Wy bids RM188.


 This is a two-layered cotton patchwork without padding in between.

It measures 50 inches by 74.5 inches.

The making:

mini-P1260480 mini-P1260482

Designed by Ginger!


We (Ginger and I) decided to use a random design for the in-between strips. It was really interesting as "random" wasn't really random at all. We had to make sure it was "tastefully random"!

After doing so many blankets with symmetrical designs, or rather, "orderly designs", I wanted to do something chaotic for a change. It's like a sort of freedom. Forget symmetry, forget design, just let go!

There is beauty in chaos!


The matching backing is done by my mum.

mini-P3050598Will this blanket be yours?

For a donation of RM150, you will be subsidising a dog's neutering or a cat's neutering and two vaccinations. In return, you get to take home this Pink Doraemon blanket which will keep your warm for a lifetime, or you could give it away as a gift to a loved one.

Happy Bidding!!


Liew Wy said...

Please let me start the ball rolling...RM188

Wine Dogs TB EE TT and CC said...

Getting our bid in before we get too busy tomorrow/miss the bidding...! RM250 pls..

Dalahäst said...

350 in whichever currency this auction is in, vänligen!


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