Sunday, October 14, 2012

Meeting Rosie's mum!

 Early this morning as I was feeding my outside clan, I spotted Francis and Mukda at the Cat Breakfast Pavilion. Francis is a consultant engineer, very busy running his own firm, but has time to do this every morning. He packs the food in paper packs and cleans up after the cats finish eating.

 That's Mukda patting Rosie and Ginger. While waiting for the cats to finish breakfast, Francis does his morning exercise.

 Bosco and Raven are eating Quit today. Raven eats more than Bosco!

Mukda soon walked over and pointed out Rosie's mum to me...

 This is Rosie's, Ginger's and Bosco's mum!

Hi there, Mummy-Cat! Doesn't Rosie look like her mum?

Mukda says Mummy-Cat (I'm calling her "Daffodil") is a very good mother. She always gives way to other cats during feeding time. I guess Rosie takes after her mum in that! However, she always keep breeding and before Francis and Mukda could catch her for spaying, she's pregnant again. Mukda says she must be at least 10 years old now. Mukda was hoping that being older, Daffodil might stop producing. I told her unfortunately that does not happen with cats or dogs. There is no menopause. They will continue breeding until the end of their days. So, Daffodil must be spayed this round. Mukda is only concerned for the kittens because she spotted Daffodil carrying her latest litter in her mouth, transferring them somewhere just last week, and the kittens were still very tiny. I suggested we wait another 3 weeks and monitor the condition of Daffodil's nipples.

There is another black-and-white female cat at the Breakfast Pavilion too. You can see her with Francis in the photo above and below. This one also keeps giving birth very often. We'll have to play it by ear and get her spayed as well.

Bosco says "hi" to his mum! Francis is looking at the black-and-white mother-cat.

 That's Daffodil on the left. So sweet and gentle... Mukda says Rosie and Ginger still suckle once in a while and Daffodil allows them to.

It's almost as though Dafffodil knew I wanted to meet her, so she walked over. Gosh...Madame Daffodil, I am honoured.

 The three children.

 The mother, Daffodil.

Mukda says there was another sibling with Rosie and Ginger and it was white in colour, but he/she was run down on the road. Poor thing...

 Francis coming over to see Bosco and Raven. Snow White is in the drain. She came to eat too.

 Ginger having a second meal.

 Daffodil is coming for Qiut

 Daffodil and Rosie look almost alike except for the tail. Daffodil has a short (Thai) tail (like Pole's, Cleo's and Bunny's - it's Thai feline genes, I was told. Sawadika!)

 I scooped some Qiut and asked Mukda to help serve it since Daffodil is familiar with Mukda.
I don't want to scare her away.

Dessert for mummy.

As Mukda and I watched Daffodil eating, a neighbour came out and mumbled something under his breath about cat poo. I heard what he said, but since it was not directed at any of us, why react, right? Don't court trouble unnecessarily. There is nothing beneficial in doing that. If he addresses me, I will nicely as possible.

The point is, there is no point (!) in getting into loggerheads with people who are not sympathetic with (let alone supportive of) our efforts in helping the animals. Instead, try to win them over. As Dr S once taught me, if our cats go into people's compound and sit on their cars, offer to help them wash and polish their cars. Tell them they may use the water hose to chase the cats out of their compounds. If we share the responsibility (and not oppose these people), there is a better chance of softening their hearts and at the very least, not incur their wrath. Remember there is no telling what they might do if they are angry with us. Our animals might be the innocent victims.

Use a soft(er) approach, whenever possible.

 Sharing is caring.

I believe our animals can learn a lot about kindness from the way we treat and handle them. Oh well, I can't say much for Cow & Bunny except that there are exceptions to that rule...ha ha.

Minyak's (I mean, Raven's) mange seems to be much better now.


cindy said...

It doesn't matter what we do, whom we feed, there is always someone who disagreed. Few weeks ago on a sunny Satruday afternoon (very rear in Holland in late Sept, early Oct.), I sat on a bench near the beach watching birds eating the bread crumbs I throw to them. Some seagall came along.

A man walked passed me with his dog. I said Hi to his dog. He pulled his dog away from me, then told me that I should not feed birds 'here' because people who live around the areas are bother by the seagalls bla, bla, bla ... I looked around for a board to tell me that I SHOULD NOT FEED birds and there is none. I waved my hand in agitation to show him that he should leave me alone ... GO AWAY ...

I did not say a word throughout that few minutes, seconds perhaps. BUT MY HAPPY mood was gone by one silly, intolerant person!

See, whenever I throw food to little birds, I always remembered the story of that little bird that die in the winter, in the snow, in the cold (don't know the name of the story) ... that's why I always have to feed birds ....

Connie said...

Hi Cindy,

Hey! Dont let the man spoil your day! Instead,just continue feeding the sea gulls, if you listen carefully you might hear the birds echoing happily thanking you for the foods you have shared with them.

Anon said...

Thanks for the reminder on taking the softer approach & not to react to comments not directed towards me on dealing with strays.