Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mac in hospital

Mac was doing much better this morning after the few hours' drip.  His blood tests results show an elevated urea level and slightly high readings for the liver.  But his creatinine was normal, so that's a relief (it's not the kidneys).   

This evening, when I picked him up after work, he looked a little down again.  Not wanting to take chances, the vet also agreed that I should send him to the pet hospital (which has better facilities) to do a more thorough check-up.

So, off we went to PJ, battling the notorious federal highway jam.  

At the hospital, an x-ray was taken and it showed an injury on the spinal chord.  Being a thirteen year-old dog, it's hard to tell if this is due to aging or an injury (he could have fallen down the stairs, etc.).  The x-ray also showed some calsification in the liver. 

The vet suggested that we board him for a night, put him on drips again, and repeat the blood test so that there is a basis for comparison.  Meanwhile, he is on steroids and antibiotics.  

Here's Mac

He needs the collar, in case he bites the tubings.  Mac ate wet food when the helper fed him by hand. 

Get well soon, Mac. 

And while waiting at the clinic, guess what I saw...(next posting, please...)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get well soon Mac..
