Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Orange Doraemon (Blanket No. 37) - up for auction!

After taking a week's break from our blanket auction to promote Path-Away, we are back now, with Blanket No. 37!


 This ever-popular Doraemon cloth is contributed by Agnes Cheong. Thank you very much, Agnes!

Auction Rules:

1. Please check the latest comment for the latest bid before putting in yours.

2. All bids are placed as comments on this blogpost. All comments will be published instantly in chronological order. 

3. The auction ends at 5pm, on Thursday, 17th April 2014. 

Note: Please monitor this post near closing time if you want to ensure that you are the highest bidder.

100% of the winning bid will be channeled to our Fund for the animals.

Do we hear RM150?

The bids as they come in:

17th April:

At 11.25am, Hello Kitty bids RM400.

At 10.26am, Chucky & Blackie bid RM350.

16th April:

At 1.43pm, Hello Kitty bids RM300.

At 9.16am, Chucky & Blackie bid RM250.

15th April:

At 6.07pm, Hello Kitty bids RM200.


This is a double-layered cotton patchwork without padding in between.

It measures 61 inches by 79 inches!

It's the biggest we have ever sewn.


It was Vincent's design.


This time, Timmy supervised.


The top plus top-stitching all done. Timmy says: Ok. QC passed.


The backing is done by my mum, with cloth contributed by Agnes and Gerley.


Will this blanket be yours?

For RM150, you will be subsidising the neutering of one street dog or one street cat and two vaccinations to protect them from diseases. In return, you get this Doraemon and Dorami homesewn blanket which will last you a lifetime!

Happy Bidding!!


Hello Kitty said...

Dr Chan,

RM200 pls!!

Chen said...

I checked your claim that this is a big blanket. I converted the inches measurement into centimetres and double checked with my notes for the size of a queen bed sheet size and its about the same or even slightly larger. So it's a legit claim.

Blanket is 61" x 79" = 154.94cm x 200.66cm; and a queen size bed sheet is about 153cm x 195cm.

So it can be a blanket for 2 persons or as a bedspread for a queen size bed.

And this blanket makes me think about eating chocolates!!! Why???!!!

chankahyein said...

LOL!! Because of the strong brown colours!!

Chen said...

Morinaga chocolates!

Chen said...

Oh! Supervised by Timmy - is that why the blankie got so big? :D

chankahyein said...


Chen said...

Did you miss out Hello Kitty's bid of RM200 above that she put up 4 mins after you posted this auction?

Chucky & Blackie said...

RM250 please.

Hello Kitty said...


Chucky & Blackie said...

Woof,Woof,Woof RM350 please.

Hello Kitty said...

Meowww!!! RM400.00 pleaseeee