Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The 23 canvas bags for the children

My friend, Yuen Foon, ordered 23 canvas bags from us for the children in her Sunday School and she distributed them yesterday.

Here are some photos:


Yuen Foon told them there was a surprise waiting for them at the basement where her car was parked.


One by one...


I got the aeroplane!




You've got the one and only motorcar!

Lucky boy!


Inside each bag is a copy of Here for a Reason.

Starting 'em young!


Thank you very much, Yuen Foon, for your generous donation to our Fund for the animals AND for planting a good seed in these children. 100% of your donation goes to our Fund for the animals. The canvas bags are donated by my mum (materials and workmanship).  She bought the materials and sewed them herself.

Ah, children - Young, eager and full of hope - for our future!

If you are a teacher and would like copies of my books for your students, please write to me. The books are all free. Just reimburse us for postage, or better still, arrange for your own collection from our collection point in Subang Jaya (Mon-Sat, 11am-6pm) - only upon request.

Our canvas bag auction will resume after Chinese New Year. My mum is making some applique designs!


Here she is, 81 years old and using her free time (besides looking after my bed-ridden father single-handedly) to contribute her skills to sew these bags and do the backing for the blankets, all for the animals. Our blanket and bag auctions have been doing well since we started, making a huge contribution to our Fund for the animals for the past few months, enabling us to go on. So, a note to those who still want to lie and cheat - do you have the heart to lie, knowing how hard-earned our funds are? Besides this, all our donors contribute knowing that we will do our very best to ensure that their hard-earned money given in trust to us, is put to proper use.

We hope you understand why we simply cannot allow our funds to go to those who lie and cheat. We owe it to our donors, well-wishers, volunteers and everyone who supports our Fund to ensure that all monies are only disbursed to honest and responsible caregivers.


Nui said...

May all of you be well and happy always!!!

jasmine ong said...

Shame on you all those who lie and cheat to obtain AnimalCare's fund when you are not deserving of it nor are you needy. You must have a heart of stone to want do this knowing how much hard work and the many, many hours elderly Aunty Chan puts in everyday to raise funds for our furry friends. Also not to mention all daily hard work, sweat and tears, sincerity and full commitment of Dr Chan, and all the readers who contribute in whatever ways they can. The universe has a way in revealing the truth in its own time because the law of the universe is always fair. So beware when karma eventually catches up with you one fine day.

Ho Yuen Foon said...

Teachers, we can play our part in animal welfare by introducing books, topics or even animals to our pupils. One of my ex-pupil told me and another teacher that the lesson she remembered most in her 6/7 years at Sunday School was the day two kittens went to class. They were taught a lesson on compassion and loving kindness to animals. Children are our hope for the future. Thank you Sis Kah Yein and Aunty Chan for making the gifts possible.