Sunday, July 10, 2011

Updates on Karuna, the old dog

In the midst of having so much to do and what with the historic Bersih Rally on Saturday (been reading all the inspiring and touching stories of true unity), I forgot to post updates on Karuna, the old dog rescued after being bitten by a pack of wild dogs at the playground near the temple.  

I visited Karuna on Friday after work and she seemed much better.  I took photos too, but they turned out too dark as the lights had fused in the boarding area.  

The vet said they will proceed with the cleaning of the wound every day.  The wounds are bad; some have pus in them and in some parts, the skin has been lifted off the flesh, and there is "gas" in between.  The vet said Karuna is probably in a lot of pain.  Poor thing....

But when I saw her, she was sitting on her chest, which is, to me, always a good sign, as opposed to lying down on her side.  She could also stand up now, but only for a few moments at a time.  The vet said her lower quarter is very weak.  

I have written to the president of the temple, asking if they would be able to foster Karuna upon her discharge later on.  Karuna cannot be returned to the playground anymore as she is old and the other dogs would only attack her again.  

I know this is an incredibly long shot, but would anyone like to adopt Karuna and give her a home?  She is an old dog, and probably does not have many more years to live.  But we hope we can find her a home where she would be safe and loved.

Thank you.  

P.S.  I hope to take some photos tomorrow.

1 comment:

Huey said...

Taking care of an old dog can be an incredibly inspiring experience. An old stray dog that I recently committed myself to take care of is just as sweet as any other puppies. Sometimes I think he understands what I want from him better than my own dogs, haha.

Within a day or two, he knows he shouldn't and need not be out on the street for long hours now, and will only stroll for a while and come back to eat, and then go to his resting spot for the rest of the day. He hates bathing so whenever he sees me coming with gloves on and shampoo, he hides. But I need to do so for him once every alternate day for his extremely bad mange condition. I've been treating him for about 2 weeks now, and I can already see fine fur growing on his head. It's truly rewarding. :)