Monday, December 16, 2013

Ginger in the morning

Ginger seemed fine this morning.

I think he is quite angry that he's been caged all night so he refused to eat.


He just ate a little bit and started scratching at the newspaper in the litter box.


So I took him out on the harness and he defecated on the grass.


Of course no self-respecting cat would be happy being on a harness, so he just sat and refused to move...


...while all his friends and family looked on.


I took him into the kitchen and hand-fed him Hill's AD.

He ate quite heartily.

I had to put him back into the cage and when I took off his harness, he bit me. I understand, of course. He must be so angry wondering why he is being caged up. I need to be sure that he is alright.

When the vet opens afterwards, we'll be there for a check-up. I just want to be sure that he is alright before I let him go again.

1 comment:

Chen said...

Oh dear! Sweet Ginger got a temper?!!!

Hope he gets back to his normal routine soon.