Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Patio Family brought back "food" again

This morning, luckily my husband went out to the garden before I did. The Patio Family had brought back "food" again, and this time they left it right outside the patio.

It was another dead snake.


There must be a nest somewhere and I've already alerted the neighbours previously. Surprisingly none of the neighbours expressed any concern. One even said there cannot be any nest here and that's that.

My husband took a photo of the snake and he'll try and identify the species.

The Patio Family brings back dead lizards all the time and leave it at our front door. It's their food offering to us and their way of saying "thank you", so you can't blame them for doing what grateful cats do.

I wish they'd keep to just lizards, you know...


Joy E. Saga said...

I think the Patio furmily are your guardians. They kill the snakes before they come and hurt you and your brood! Should give them monge each time after :D

chankahyein said...

It could be that too, but the thought of the snake actually coming into the compound is VERY frightening.

Bern said...

Our has brought back birds, lizards, rats and mice. Very cute, but they often play with them till the poor ones die. So Don will try to catch them (the victimes) and let them go before the brood plays them to death.