Sunday, September 21, 2014

My sewing cats

We have an abundance of cloth lately, contributed by our readers for us to make patchwork blankets for our auctions, so for now, we really have enough. And it's going to take me some time to mix and match and sew them into blankets.


I've been thinking of how best to make use of the curtain samples from the albums as there are at most only 2 pieces of the same design.


So I flip through the three albums and pick up the pieces that matches in terms of design and colour.

A knowledge of primary and secondary pigments works. An application of Form 2 science lessons - when one is not particularly artistic, one uses science instead.


Making full use of what we have, the blanket would have to be an "album" of sorts too.


Ginger ensures that measurement of the backing cloth is accurate and even helps hold the cloth down when I cut.

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You communication is needed.


He knows when it's done and he moves away.

Are cats smart or not, you tell me?


Here we go again....matching from the album.

Nope, the florals got to go, Ginger says. It clashes. Make it stripey, he says.


Yes, this is quite elegant, says Heidi.

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Quality supervision.


When one supervisor takes a break, another takes over.

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Break time for the supervisor now. He goes back to his basket.

No, Indy, sewing is not your thing. We'll find you something else to do.

Coming up next, Ms Ooi's contribution - a teddy blankie!

1 comment:

Yen Ling said...

They are well aware of the 'good timing' concept. Ginger as a cloth weight. Very useful and important :)