Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How Mr G comes...

Follow the Yellow Brick Road?

More like the Black Railway Sleeper Road....

It is very interesting how Mr G comes every day. He follows the same, exact route, without fail.

Cats are creatures of habit, and they would rather die than change a habit.

Talk about persistence, they definitely win hands down.

Here's how Mr G comes.

I assume he uses a platform to jump from his house (diagonally at the back of mine - these old houses have no back alleys) onto the ledge.

 He walks along the ledge.


 Everyone is on stand-by mode. I dare say this would be the highlight of the day - Mr G making his entrance.

 He comes down onto our rubbish compartment.

 And make no mistake, he never walks on the grass.

He only walks on the railway sleepers. Just as a human would.

 All the way until the end, and he steps onto the tiles.

 Turns the corner...

 Follows the railway sleepers...

 Here he comes now...

 We are talking about an old-schooled gentleman here who greets his hosts most politely even though food has been served. He does it without fail, every time. A courteous greeting, an exchange of pleasantries with the two equally gracious host and hostess, ie. Oh, hello, how was your day? Nice weather today, won't you say? 

 Then, he eats.

We've grown very fond of him, really. Now, who wouldn't? I'd say he is definitely more polite and easy-to-please than many humans I know!

Last night, something interesting happened, Mr G's friend, Shadow (the all-black) came to our front door. He scuttled away soon after, but I think he'll be back....let's wait and see.


Iza Mohd Isa said...

Hi Dr Chan, Mr G is so cute :). It is always been a pleasure reading your posting. Hope one day I'll be able to meet you personally and get tips on your experience in taking care of cats :). Take care.


chankahyein said...

Thank you very much for your kind words!

melle said...

So cute, Mr. G is always greeted by the tabby committee (Tabs and Tiger) at the Stargate.

Sandra said...

I wish I'm your neighbor too. So nice to have cat lovers neighbor :)

chankahyein said...

Yes, so nice if everyone were friendly to animals. Our neighbourhood would be such a better place then, for us and for the animals.

Yen Ling said...

:)) Fostering good relationships among the feline neighbours. Cheers Mr. G and Tabs & Tiger

Amy said...

tabs is really good in welcoming other cats.. so cute.. if only my Fatso was so welcoming.. she only "welcomes" boy cats..

Akmar said...

Mr. G's appearance belies his manners.. as I would put it in Bahasa Malaysia," Muka ganas, tapi sopan santun.."
So cute to see the exchanged pleasantries... hehe! :)