Thursday, February 20, 2014

A new black kitty on the block

As I was feeding Bunny & Friends this morning, I heard the familiar sound of Timmy's complaints. I thought it was because today's breakfast was a little later than usual, or he's complaining about Mr Zurik again (which he does, occasionally).

But when I went out to feed the Patio Family, Heidi kept looking towards the Stargate. So I looked too...

Oh...hello there! And who might you be? I rushed in to get my camera....


It was a smallish black kitten and she reminded me instantly of Raven because she was clambering to get into Bunny's Clubhouse.


She was climbing the grilled of the Stargate actually, and if you look closely, we put up the green netting because Raven got in the last time, on the night that she came. This time, this black kitty was a bit too big to squeeze through the bars of the grille (thank goodness for that...for her sake!). Cow and his titanic friends do not attack kittens, but they will attack (to the death, unfortunately) "cats". And I don't know how Cow classifies a feline, ie. when it is a kitten and when it is a cat. That's how Raven got off without being attacked last time.

Cats won't last a few seconds under the might and wrath of Cow & Company.


The titans came immediately and the little black kitty went under the vegetable pots.


I placed a bowl of food for her (assuming she is female), but she wasn't interested at all.


WHO was that??


Meanwhile, everyone at the patio was having breakfast, including Willy (we brought him in) and the surprising thing is, with all this commotion created by the black kitty, nobody seemed to be much interested.

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The black kitty was determined to get INTO Bunny's Clubhouse. She wasn't the least bit interested in food.

Then, to my horror, she started scaling the grille. I don't think she could get in, but I really feared what would happened (to her) if she did. So, my husband shoo-ed her down.

The black kitty made a beeline for the house!

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I noticed she has long hair and she definitely looks like a pet. She also looked well-fed. Only her tail was slightly wet and she smelled a little.


The black kitty did a few rounds of merry-go-around all over the house, with Tabs watching her, slightly scared (Tabs, that is).

The black kitty seemed quite at home with the house surroundings. Definitely someone's pet.


Finally, husband shoo-ed her out through the front door. We hope she will go home. I think she could have mistakenly come into the wrong house.


By now, everyone had finished eating and there was a commotion outside. Either they were discussing the new intruder or Mr Zurik was picking his usual fights with Vincent.

mini-P2200573Willy was afraid, so I brought him back to the top of the cage.

So, that's the story of the day. I hope the black kitty goes home.


Chen said...

"Meanwhile, everyone at the patio was having breakfast, including Willy (we brought him in) and the surprising thing is, with all this commotion created by the black kitty, nobody seemed to be much interested."

The outside cats have got their priorities right. Food first before all else. :D

chankahyein said...

Yes, that did occur to me too! Or, do they already know this black kitty from their outside social gatherings? "Oh, you again? Oh well, hello there... wouldn't want to go in there (referring to the area after the Stargate), you know, unless you are ready for the fight of your life."

Peggy Quah said...

Wat a wonderful encounter at least there was no war. :)