Thursday, May 6, 2010

Peanut and Butter go to the vet's

Here's Peanut and Butter.  Yesterday, both of them suddenly had pasty stools.  I quickly put them on steamed chicken and intestinal kibbles for the whole day.

So, it's off to the vet's this morning for a check-up.  These two have been through so much since the time they came to me about 8-9 weeks ago.  They had worms, the prolonged diarrhoea, then Peanut had FLUTD, and finally, it was the battle with the fungus.  I was already so, so happy that the fungus was beginning to heal on its own without medication.  It was right what the vet advised, just leave it alone, once the immune system kicks in, they will recover on their own.  I'm glad I did not start them on any medication which could be toxic to their kidneys and liver.  

The vet said it did not look serious as both are still active and alert.  So, he said to just continue with the steamed or boiled chicken for another 2 more days, and then it's the intestinal kibbles. 

Here they are now, back home, and resting.

Butter with his idol, Bobby.
Peanut in his favourite place, on top of the cushion.

I hope they will recover soon, because there is someone interested in adopting both of them.  It would be such a blessing to get both of them adopted together.

And, at the vet's, Peanut and Butter met two old friends. 

Read on....

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