Tuesday, November 8, 2011

CAUGHT in the act!!

Caught cat-nipping today...in broad daylight!!

Who? Who?

Why, it's Cleo!

Sniff, sniff...hmm...nice!!

Totally nice!

Crazy nice!!

Okay, I'm done now...

Half hour later....

That's Bunny rolling around with the ultraman pillow.

And one twig.

No, no...it's not me. 
Me is a good boy.
Me don't go crazy high...

And still later....

Who's this?

It's one of the neighbour's cat. Luckily Cow and Bunny didn't know.

Doesn't she look a bit like Baster, the Egyptian Feline god?

1 comment:

Joy E. Saga said...

Why yes! She does look like Baster! So queenly :-)

P/s Don't tell Indy about the catnipping ;-)