Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Getting Cleo to come home

Cleo "ran away from home" yesterday.  We suspect she wasn't too happy with the presence of Xiao Li and Bandit (but we'll never really know for sure). 

We spotted her just outside the house, but could not get her to come home. 

So yesterday, it was an all-out operation to get Cleo to come home...somehow. 

All morning, I went out to call for her, but she was no where to be seen. 

By noon, I spotted her across the road, just opposite our house.

Come, Cleo.  Good girl, come...

She wasn't too interested at first.

Sigh...pitiful humans.  They want me to come home so badly.  Ok...I'll just make them happy since it's their New Year.

A wee bit more, come, Cleo, come through the gate...

Yay!  Cleo is in! 

(You see the slightly bald patches on her back?  The vets say it's harmless and it's due to stress.  Yes, they get stressed too, it seems.) 

Then, she ran out again, to the neighbour's house, just next door.

Bring some food!!  Bring some food!!  Quick!

Here's some mackerel, Cleo. 

(Bobby is always on hand to help.)

We finally carried her into the house again.

And gave her a feast of her favourite food - raw chicken breastmeat with the skin.  She loves the skin.

Later, Cleo came back all by herself, a few times (it's back to normal).  She even went upstairs and reclaimed her spot on the marble slab in the bedroom. 

This morning, she was the "alarm clock" again.'s back to normal.

I hope!!

You see why it's quite difficult for me to foster kittens?  I'd never know who takes offence to whom, and who has affinity with whom...

Cat politics!

But it's still better than dealing with human politics, I guess.

It's back to work for me today, and later, there's Pjay's case followed by Tam Tam's surgery. 

This posting is co-written by Xiao Li.  It's quite amazing that she not only looks like Suki, but her mannerisms and behaviour are the same too. 

And while Xiao Li is "editing" this posting, where is Bandit?

Here he is.  He simply loves playing with the plastic flowers.

Cute lil fella.... He plays very quietly by himself...unlike the other one!

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